H.R.H. Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and H.H. Shaikha Zain bint Khalid Al Khalifa
Her Highness Shaikha Zain bint Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa
Chairperson of the Board of Directors
The programs of AlMabarrah AlKhalifia Foundation instil the values of volunteerism and community service among Bahraini youth, which is an investment in the future, enhancing their role in social life and developmental work.
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What they say about us
“Sheikh Hamad Mohammed Al Khalifa, the commander of the Royal Academy of Police has praised the role of Al Mabarrah Al Khalifia Foundation of providing scholarship programs and projects aimed to spread quality knowledge, referring to the foundation’s role in educating youth of the importance of nationality, giving, and excellence.”
“In two years the students gained sufficient leadership skills, while they still have two more years to go in the program.”
“This year the students have developed and improved significantly as they have established the desire and passion to continue the program.”
“This year was outstanding, as the change was for the best and the positive aspect this year is the presence of professionals who have the experience in dealing with students.”
“The program reached a level of excellence in terms of content professionally and keeping up the pace with the students age and mindset”
“What has been offered to us is huge, and very hard to repay. If it wasn’t for ITHRA’s imprint on our lives we will not achieve what we have achieved now.”
“Thanks to your cooperation, the program is a success and every successful program depends on honesty, of the words and actions”
“After the program I want to become a captain: to train, develop, and teach, raising Bahrain’s name high up as it deserves.”
“Good times end quickly, and now Ithra is over. We enjoyed every moment with you and the captains, our biggest thanks and appreciation to all the captains and all those who have contributed to the success of the program.”
Emanating from Al Salam Bank-Bahrain’s belief in the important role played by Al Mabarrah Al Khalifia Foundation in the field of education and developing the Bahraini youth, the Bank is proud to support the Foundation which aims to fulfil the educational needs and help raise educational levels of excellence in the Kingdom. We highly believe it is our solemn duty to support such programs and activities provided by the Foundation that help in shaping a stronger and better future for our younger generation and community at large.
MKF is my second home that I receive support and motivation from to give my best. By simply entering its doors, I feel so content since we are received very warmly which in turn makes me participate in MKF’s programs, that add so much to me personally, as it combines education and development, giving me the chance to meet many people.
I benefited from MKF in the personal development field through the many courses, and through volunteering for MKF’s youth enrichment program, ITHRA. Thank you for everything you provided for us, it means so much to me, May Allah bless you all.
MKF is the place I feel comfortable at, in other words, my second home that introduced me to people I have gained so much from. I benefited from MKF tangibly and intangibly. Tangibly, by taking care of my university tuition fees. Intangibly, through the beneficial courses and meetings. Last but not least, I gained so much from volunteering at ITHRA youth enrichment program, it has influenced me positively and taught me how to leave a positive impact on others.
To me, MKF is the support system that strives to create a strong, aware, and developed generation in all areas and fields to hold our beloved Bahrain’s name high.
In my point of view, I see MKF has added so much to students’ personalities through organizing training courses, events, and lectures along with monthly meetings.
I extend my best wishes to MKF, and everyone that works towards its goals, to gain further success and excellence, and to continue its limitless support. We promise you, that all the efforts and trust that has been given to us will reap its rewards in the coming future.
First of all, I thank Allah for blessing me, and for being accepted at MKF. This Foundation, with its mighty efforts, means so much to me since I was one of the first students to join its ranks. MKF and all its members, headed by Her Highness Shaikha Zain bint Khalid Al-Khalifa, offered us all the tangible and intangible support that we need as college students.
As for my benefits, I have benefited so much from MKF in the studying field, personal development, and shaping my personality along with a passion for voluntary work and doing good.
MKF offered us many courses, workshops, and programs that positively influenced the resume of every student.
Thanks be to Allah, I am a graduate student now and my resume is full of certificates and that is by Allah’s grace, and then by MKF.
Thank you to everything you provided for me, and I’m on call if MKF ever needs any help, and Allah willing, I will continue my master’s degree with this dear foundation.
MKF is my home, my passion and my positive energy. MKF is my support system when I need them.
To begin with, MKF provided me with many opportunities such as workshops, training courses and internships that assisted me in improving my social and communication skills and develop myself further. Furthermore, when I needed to strengthen my English skills; they registered me in the British Council to enhance my language. Honestly, MKF involved me in so many social activities that benefited me!
The best decision I made in my life was entering AlMabarrah AlKhalifia Foundation; because it suits me, my lifestyle and my way of thinking, and it was the perfect place to kick-start my personal development.
MKF is my other home. When I was a school student I use to be an outstanding student to make my country and parents proud of me, but now I do my best and work hard to make my country, MKF and parents proud of me. MKF offered and goes on offering us great opportunities to build up a bright future in our life.
MKF have changed my personality 180 degree from the day of the interview. It make me to increase confidence in myself, develop my talking skills and to be a social person with others.It is really a fact and not a compliment that 50 percent of my social and active characteristics I gained it because of MKF.
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